The Hubble Space Telescope has detected an extensive atmosphere of hydrogen enveloping and escaping from a newfound planet of a distant star, scientists have reported. The discovery comes as no

Daimler Chrysler AG said that it had received government certification in Japan for its fuel-cell car and had begun road tests. The automaker will start leasing the F-Cell passenger car, based on the

Globalization's next big brawl could well be about water. Across the world, the push is on to privatize cities' water services. Extreme caution is warranted before letting private companies provide

Although it is a source of life, water may soon no longer stand as a symbol for regeneration and purity. Around the world, water resources are growing scarce and the cost of water quality is

As part of the Bush administration's recent high-profile push to develop hydrogen as the fuel of the future, the U.S. Energy Department and the European Union have agreed to start a cooperative

In 1632, King Charles I of England granted Maryland the right to the Potomac River

It is probably to declare Botox the pencillin of the 21st century, but the deadly poison turned wrinkle remover is being put to some startling new uses. In studies around the world, botulinum toxin

Nothing so far has shamed President George W. Bush in to adopting a more aggressive policy toward the threat of global warming. He has been denounced by mainstream scientists, deserted by his

Dolly the sheep is dead, but the political controversy she engendered lives in the House of Representatives, where lawmakers are expected to pass, a bill making human cloning a crime. The

To understand how we might bolster our national security aside from invading Iraq, I'm on a General Motors test track here in Arizona, driving the coolest car you've never seen. It's called
