A study of heart patients a year after they received a drug-coated stent to keep cleared arteries open shows that the device is safe and effective, scientists reported at a meeting of the American

To no ones surprise, the World Trade Organistaion issued a final ruling on Monday that the Bush administration violated trade laws when it slappped onerous tariffs on an array of steel imports last

Asia Pulp & Paper, Asia's biggest paper company outside Japan, risks losing control of some of its mills after an Indonesian court started foreclosure proceedings against one of its units, two of the

One day after the World Trade Organisation issued a final ruling that said U.S. steel tariffs were illegal, Japan and the European Union on Tuesday threatened the United States with billions of

The two-decade effort to eliminate chemicals that harm the ozone layer faces its most serious test in recent years this week. The Bush administration is seeking interantional support for broad

A great rift is opening in America's once-impregnable farm lobby. It is a gap between those forms of agriculture that can prosper on their own and the ones that must be perpetually propped up by

Vietnam and its World Trade Organisation trading partners have scheduled a new round of negotiations next month, the first since Vietnam was told it must make a better offer to meet its 2005 entry

The attorneys general of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut say they are ready to open litigation to force power plants to make billions of dollars of pollution-control improvements after the Bush

The Chinese government hs started providing free treatment for poor people with HIV and AIDS and plans to expand the program next year until every poor person who has tested positive is receiving

A new reckoning is under way in India over how best to stabilize a population that is set to surpass China's as the world's biggest by mid
