Remember the population bomb, the fertility explosion set to devour the world's food and suck up or pollute all its air and water? Its fuse has by no means been plucked. But over the last three

With all the hand wringing about the economic pe rils of falling populations, and the prospect of a spreading demographic shift from explosion to implosion, there could be one beneficiary; the

One wonders what it will take to bestir the Bush administration on the subject of global warming. Every where one looks nowadays there is evidence of mounting impatience with Washington's refusal to

Rescue teams from around the world with Iranians, two days after an earthquake reduced most of this city to rubble and killed tens of thousands of people. The scale of the devastation made it

A 26-year old woman who cradled her dying daughter in her arms for 10 hours at a hospital in north-western Thailand, and later fell sick and died herself, was the first probable case of human-to

With no electricity or running water and short of basics like antibiotics, doctors in makeshift clinics are fighting to save survivors of Tropical Storm Jeane

Two experimental drugs

Just as European automakers once underestimated Toyota Motor's ability to thirve on a continent dominated by Volkswagens, Renaults and Opels, they doubt Toyota's gas-electric hybrid system will be a

Hidalgo Zurita watched a half a dozen technicians in white hazardous material suits used a motorized drill to search for oil- in his yard in Ecuador, a small Amazon town. To his dismay Zurita, a

The forests in North Korea are depleted, its rives and streams are filled with run off from factories and the county's reliance on coal energy has created severe urban air pollution, the United
