Dozens of infants in eastern China have died from malnutrition after being fed fake milk formula with virtually value, state media reported. The deaths prompted demands from Prime Minister Wen Jiabao

As a member of the European Parliament who sits on the committee on the environment, public health and consumer policy, I have been involved in the current overhaul of European Union chemicals

More than half the United States's population lives in or around areas that violate clean air standards, according to a list of be released by the federal government. The list is a long-delayed

Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has unexpectedly suspended plans for a massive dam system on the Nu River in western China that scientists have warned could ruin one of the country's last unspoiled places,

Four organisations with an interest in international health have announced that they will join forces to help more than 100 countries get inexpensive generic AIDS drugs and discounted AIDS tests. If

The global effort to combat the three deadliest infectious diseases

When the European Parliament crafted its new anti-tobacco legislation, lawmakers gathered in their giant dome and metal tower in Strasbourg, where smoking in most public areas has been banned for

BHP Billiton approved an $870 million project to process low-grade ore at the world's biggest copper mine in Chile as demand surges from China's construction and electronics industries. The project

Commercial hunting of baby seals is back and even bigger than when it stirred a global outcry two decades ago. Horrified by the clubbling of infant harp seals, animal rights advocates swayed public

In the past, concern about black women and AIDS in the United States was mainly directed to those who had sued drugs or had had sex with known drug users. In government studies of 29 states, a black
