Five years ago, Mar tin Williams, who leads ecological tours, saw hundreds of foreign visitors taking organized tours around Hong Kong's little

Despite the recent trend towards global warming, scientists have long wondered whether the Earth is nearing another ice age, an end to the 12000 year temperature spell in which civilization is

More than 130 Republican and Democratic members of Congress have asked President George W. Bush to persuade the World Trade Organization to delay the phase-out of a global quota system on textiles

Amid clanging machinery and whiffs of steam on the factory floor, a new company is producing a soft drink that its creators pledge will transform this Andean country, if successful. That is big if,

So many pharmaceutical companies in Asia are racing to produce anti-HIV drugs that a leading AIDS organisation is sounding an alarm that widespread misuse could create future epidemics from

RWE Thames Water, the world's third-biggest water supply company, has withdrawn from a water treatment project in Shanghai after the government changed rules on the rate of return for such

Intravenous drug users who are infected with the AIDS virus by sharing needles with other addicts have accounted for more than a third of the AIDS cases in the safe sex awareness programs are crucial

Some rabbis say that New York city tap water

Elderly Americans were to begin using Medicare drug discounts cards in an experiment that has had a slow start but promises to have big implications for politics and health policy, regardless of

The World Health Oranizaton, resisting pressure from sugar-producing nations, has approved a strategy to fight obesity that urges limits on sugar and salt, among other sensible suggestions. A panel
