Central Forests and Environment Minister T R Baalu said in Lok Sabha that 187 industries along the banks of Ganga have been declared to be heavy polluting ones. Out of these 133 units have installed

National Fertilisers Limited (NFL) has achieved a major success by developing a process for the manufacture of neem-coated urea on commercial scale. In a press note issued here today, the Public

In some parts of Ethiopia, due to drought, people are not finding food to eat and so are boiling the roots of wild plants and eating. Generally this part of Ethiopia's meal comprises of milk, meat

With the death of Makhiyar Ghasiya of Lakhagadh village in Chhattisgarh, the number of starvation deaths has come up to 3. On 14th October, a 42 year old dalit farmer, Dhiraj Suryavanshi of Sildaha

From past few decades, the effluents from different industries are flowing into the Damodar river in Asansol, Bihar due to which it is getting polluted. From many years about 3,000 small and large

The opposition party leader Nitin Gadkiri, in the Maharashtra Legislative assembly stated that in the last year, about 47 cotton and other farmers have committed suicide. And the highest number of

Prof. Andy Batty from Macquarie University in Australia have developed antibiotic medicines from Bees and other insects. This has happened for the first time in the history of medicines that bees are

In the Legislative Assembly of Madhya Pradesh, on Wednesday BJP raised the issue of peacock poaching in Morena district where peacocks are found in abundance. Forest Minister Harvansh Singh expressed

Uttarakhand's Janjagriti Sangathan has filed a petition in the Supreme Court to save the forest area between Tehri and Meerut. Supreme court has accepted the petition and has raised the issues and

The wetlands of Mainpuri in Uttar Pradesh are home to some 1,500-3,000 Sarus cranes, the world's tallest flying bird and an indicator species. The omnivorous birds feed and breed in the marshes and
