एक अप्रैल 2017 से शुरू होने वाले वित्त वर्ष से देश में दुपहिया वाहनों की कीमतें सात फीसद तक बढ़ जाएंगी।

The government claim is proving false to take the passengers to their destination at the earliest in the name of Bus Rapid Transit(BRT) corridor.

Natural disasters have increased due to rise in earth's temperature and climate change. According to Centre for Science and Environment(CSE), cyclone Nargis is not only a natural disaster but because of climate change it has become a man-made disaster.

An international treaty banning the world's most dangerous pesticides, industrial chemicals and hazardous by-products of combustion will enter into force on 17 May now that 50 countries have ratified
