Forestry staff in Bhutan are still estimating the damage caused by a forest fire which destroyed about 300 hectares of forests between Tomiyangtsi and Gom Kora in Trashiyangtse dzongkhag early this
The second round of sun-national immunization day (SNID) on January 18 immunised 37,187 under-five children in designated areas, according to the Bhutan's Minister of Health and Education, Lyonpo
An upcoming UNDP-supported project might be an answer to north Trashigang's dilemma: how to address mounting environmental problems against population pressure. On Wednesday the UNDP and Bhutan Youth
Donning dark gllasses have become more of a compulsion than fashion for residents of Samtse and Phuentsholing, where a widespread outbreak of conjunctivitis, an eye injection, has been reported since
A joint Bhutanese-Austrian expedition of 12 scientists left for the Lunana glacial lake are in Gasa dzongkhag for a two month study to get more information about glacial
A farmer once imported a million fruit cuttings into Bhutan with no knowledge of the high risks involved. The implications of importing new crop diseases into the country are only now being
About 50 percent of malaria cases in Bhutan occur n Samdrup Jonghkar, making it the most malaria prone dzonghag in the country. Hospital records show that, this year, there has been a slight increase
More than 42 truckloads of firewood are burnt every day in the Thimphu valley making bukharis and other heating appliances the biggest source of smoke pollution in the capital of Bhutan, according to
alternatives? : Come November, the temperatures drop and we return to a familiar subject : firewood. It is a particularly interesting situation this year because the popular hard wood has been banned
can the two co-exist in harmony? : The attention given to the endangered Black- Necked crane by environmentalists might in fact, help boost the local economy of Phobjikha, one of the few wintering