Two conservative U.S. congressmen are sponsoring legislation which would forgive $400 million of debt owed by developing countries if the money is used to save rain forests. The Tropical Forest

The seventh plan has seen Trasihgang dzongkhag achieve remarkable success in the health sector. Before the implementation of the seventh plan the dzongkhag's health coverage was less than 60 percent

The recent spate of forest fire in the vicinity of Thimphu town has destroyed hundreds of acres of forests, according to the Forestry division. The fires first began at Sangayang, near the Bhutan

The National Environmental Commission (NEC) through the Capacity 21 Project is taking environmental protection to the grassroots level. Extension agents from agriculture and forestry services will be

Foresters and agriculturalists employed in the fields will become vital future environmental protection agents, according to yet another NEC (National Environmental Commission) initiative. The NEC is

The chances of medicinal herbs from Lingshi losing much of their potency during transportation will be reduced, now that a drying centre in Lingshi is ready to begin work. It was constructed with a

Bhutan will be one of the countries that will achieve the goal of "Health for All" by the year 2,000, or even before, said the Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Dr

A landmark environmental protection protocol has been adopted banning mining in Antarctica for a minimum of 50 years and designating the entire continent and its dependent marine ecosystems as a
