Report filed on behalf of Greater Chennai Corporation regarding pollution of Adyar estuary. Under the Chennai Rivers Restoration Trust (CRRT) project of eco restoration of Cooum river, construction of compound wall, boundary fence of the Cooum river have been taken up for a length of 23.92 km for preventing encroachments and preventing dumping of garbage and solid wastes. So far 20.54 km length of compound wall has been completed.

Independent report filed in Original Application No 144 of 2021 (SZ) (Suomotu Vs The Chief Secretary to Govt of Tamil Nadu & Others).

The NGT initiated suo motu based on the new item published in a newspaper regarding dumping of waste and encroachments along the Cooum river in Chetpet, Chennai.

The Madras High Court Tuesday granted an interim stay on the Rs 100-crore penalty imposed by the National Green Tribunal (NGT), south zone, on the Tamil Nadu government for its failure to restore A

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Tribunal on its own motion Vs. The Principal Secretary, Environment & Forests, Govt. of Tamil Nadu & Others dated 31/10/2018 regarding de-silting on Adyar and Cooum Rivers and Buckingham Canal, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

CHENNAI: While the Tamil Nadu government spent hundreds of crores of taxpayer money to restore the Cooum river, miscreants have wreaked havoc on the project piling tonnes of construction and plasti

Adyar and Cooum are both polluted rivers, but only after they enter Chennai.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Tribunal on its own motion on the News item reported in “the Hindu” dated 25.10.2013 about beach at Adyar Estuary with trash, rubble Vs Environment and Forests, Government of Tamil Nadu & Others dated 15/03/2017 regarding the progress of the Integrated Cooum river Eco Restoration Project.

Chennai: The ambitious 604.77 crore Cooum eco-restoration project is being carried out expeditiously, according to the TN government.

CHENNAI: The State government is hoping to speed up from August the execution of the ambitious Cooum River Eco-restoration Plan.

The Cooum River could soon shed its dirty identity and become a haven with parks and walkways to walk and unwind...that is, if the Centre steps in.
