While the United Nations Development Project has been publishing annual reports of human development indices for various criteria like adult literacy and child mortality, India's first human

Growth is not only about increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but also about human resource development. The measure of well-being of citizens is related to living a fulfilling life, ability to

The 2002-03 Annual Plan for Chhattisgarh has been finalised at Rs 1,787 crores at a meeting between the Deputy chairman of Planning Commission, K.C. Pant and the Chief Minister, Ajit Jogi in New

The International Monetary Fund's forecasts of global economic growth, put out twice a year in the World Economic outlook(WEO), have rarely turned out to be very accurate estimates. But the forecasts

India has retained its position as the world's fourth largest economy after the US, China and Japan, according to a World Bank

The Uttaranchal Chief Minister, Narain Dutt Tiwari, has taken strong exception to the District Rural Development Organisations(DRDOs) in the state failing to utlise the funds allocated for

Villagers of Malanpur and Ghirongi industrial growth centre in the backward district of Bhind in Madhya Pradesh, were promised jobs and better civic facilities when the state government acquired

A number of industrialists from various parts of the country have shown interest in establishing units in Uttaranchal and the Government is preparing an ambitious ' vision plan' to promote industrial

Though the prescriptions for improvement of the plight of the developing world are widely known and debated, poverty reduction across the globe remains an elusive goal, lacking in political will.

Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Digvijay Singh would start this years village contact programme from Jabalpur. His helicopter would land in any village falling under Jabalpur district on April 20. He
