Enable Block: 

There are innumerable tribals all over the country and the world who are languishing and are being unconscionably exploited for their wealth of knowledge about herbal medicines and a variety of other

Political compulsions seem to have forced Jharkhand's tribal leaders to speak on diametrically opposite things. On one hand is former Chief Minister Babulal Marandi of the ruling Bharatiya Janta

Core values of democracy are often best learnt during childhood. This is a key observation of the State of the World's Children Report, 2003, the annual flagship publication of the United Nations

The Karnataka government must wake up to the problems in evicting the tribals from Kudremukh National Park before agitations go out of control. The decade-long struggle by various organisations

There are as many as 11 child labour schools. As most children here are compelled to work to support their families, these schools allow them to access non-formal elementary education. They dangle an

This year the UNICEF's 'The state of the world's children 2003' report focuses on what many in India would consider a complete non-issue -children's participation. In a country where 30% of the

Even as the State of the World's Children Report 2003 from UNICEF, released in the country the other day emphasised on children's participation, Rajasthan could boast of as many as three models in

An organisation that is actually a composite of several movements for women's uplift shows there's mroe to development than aid. The Self Employed Women's Association(SEWA) is both an organisation

Tribals of the North-east urged both the Centre and the respective state governments to recognize their political rights by granting them autonomy. Adopting a tribal agenda at the North-east tribal

Children are the only hope if we want to change the divided, damaged and conflict-ridden world, according to the Unicef's State of the World's Children's Report 2003. The report which was released
