Indian MOEF and CSE side event at COP 17: The imperative of equity for an effective climate agreement on 5 Dec'11 in Durban
Indian Ministry of Environment and Forests and Centre for Science and Environment side event at COP 17: The imperative of equity for an effective climate agreement
Organizers: Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India and the Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi
Date and time: Monday, December 5, 2011; 18.30-20.00
Venue: Blyde River Room, Durban Exhibition Centre, Durban
The event will highlight concerns regarding the Cancun agreement, which shifts the burden of transition to the South and will lead to ineffective and weak action to reduce emissions. It will discuss why the issue of equity is critical for the much-needed transition to low carbon economies through a detailed case study on India’s options and programmes. It will also underscore the need to assist those who suffer climate impacts as well as explore a liability regime to both cover costs of climate damage and provide a disincentive to contribute to climate change.
Chair: Mrs Jayanthi Natarajan, Minister of State, Government of India
Speakers: SunitaNarain, director-general, Centre for Science and Environment
Chandra Bhushan, deputy director-general, Centre for Science and Environment
Ambuj Sagar, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi