International Conference on Renewable Energy and Conversation 29-31 October 2015, Romania
2015 International Conference on Renewable Energy and Conversation (ICREC 2015), which will be held during October 29-31, 2015, in Bucharest, Romania together with ICCBM 2015 and ICMERA 2015.The conference will be sustained by International Academy of Computer Technology (IACT) and by International University Association for Science and Technology of Romania (UASTRO) and Society of Science Human Excelences and Sport University (SSEUSU).ICREC 2015 is the first International Conference edition organised by University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania, under the higher tutelage of the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences- Mechanical Branch in cooperation with: Academy of Scientists from Romania, University Medicine of Bucharest, Elias University Emergency Hospital of Bucharest, Henri Coanda Air Force Academy, Pro Optica Romanian Society, INCDMTM, Land Forces Academy, Military Equipment and Technologies Research Agency, Optoelectronica 2001 and SSEUSU association.