International Sustainable Development Research (ISDR) Conference 10-12 July 2015, Australia
The conference will focus on the management of social and natural community vulnerabilities and enhancement of adaptations that provide security as we pursue sustainability.Whilst the tipping point is typically regarded as a point 'of no return', especially in ecology and climate science, our call repositions the notion of the tipping point as a 'point of transformation', into comparably more hopeful settings, e.g. a point when things start to change for the better. In terms of sustainability, this is when the various efforts towards sustainability reach a collective crescendo. It is at this point sustainable behaviour (however defined) becomes the norm rather than the exception. Whilst incremental efforts towards change appear to make little difference, a point may be reached at which the final tiny addition provides a positive change - sustainable attitudes and behaviour become the norm rather than the exception. We need the positive tip to happen before a catastrophic negative one occurs.