Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding illegal and unauthorized mining in the state of Uttar Pradesh, 29/11/2017

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Mushtakeem Vs Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change & Others dated 29/11/2017 regarding illegal and unauthorized mining in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

Counsel appearing for the State of Uttar Pradesh submits that the State has identified as many as 112 persons who had carried on illegal mining activity. Action has been taken against them, they have been blacklisted and also penalty under the mines and mineral act and the rules framed thereunder has been imposed upon them, however, recoveries are awaited. The Counsel for the State of U.P. further informed the Court that the guidelines submitted by the High Powered Committee are acceptable to the State and in fact their mining plan submitted by the State of U.P. is on those lines and has also been concurred by the MoEF.
