Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding air pollution due to automobiles, West Bengal, 01/09/2015

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Eastern Zone Bench, Kolkata) in the matter of Subhas Datta Vs. State of West Bengal and Ors. dated 01/09/2015 regarding air pollution due to automobiles, West Bengal.

Counsel Mr. Pranab Kumar Chatterjee appearing for the West Bengal Petroleum Dealers’ Association submits that affidavit has been filed answering the issue about the feasibility of passing necessary direction to restrict the purchase of fuel from Petrol Pumps without production of the ‘Pollution Under Control’ certificate (PUC in short).

NGT in its order said that "as this issue is not confined to any particular State and air pollution due to automobiles is a problem all over India, positive stand of those two Ministries viz. Ministry of Petroleum and Ministry of Environment and Forest and CC is required so that appropriate direction could be passed considering this point".
