Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding compliance of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 in Gujarat, 09/04/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding compliance of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 in Gujarat, 09/04/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Compliance of Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 (State of Gujarat) dated 09/04/2019.
A status report submitted by Gujarat indicates some of the steps taken for solid waste management. Status of compliance of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, Bio-medical Waste Management Rules, 2016, polluted river stretches, polluted industrial clusters, air polluted cities and illegal mining have also been mentioned. The report mentions that there is an an extensive network for 100 % door to door collection of municipal solid waste. Further in Ahmedabad 10,404 MT/day waste is collected from 8 Municipal Corporations & 162 Nagar Palikas. Out of this about 75% (7,528 MT/day) is treated and reused as Compost, Refused Derived Fuel, Bio gas etc. Municipal Corporation has started bio-mining of Pirana dumpsite located at Narol- Serkhej Highway. The Tribunal says the steps are in the right direction but much still needs to be accomplished.
NGT after discussions with the Chief Secretary of Gujarat passed directions which includes the following:
i. Steps for compliance of Rules 22 and 24 of SWM Rules be now taken within six weeks to the extent not yet taken. Similar steps be taken with regard to Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules and Plastic Waste Management Rules.
ii. Atleast three major cities and three towns in the State and atleast three Panchayats in every District may be notified on the website within two weeks from today as model cities/towns/villages which will be made fully compliant within next six months.
iii. The remaining cities, towns and Village Panchayats of the State may be made fully compliant in respect of environmental norms within one year.