Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding consent to operate granted to Linet Nunes Curlies Restaurant, Panaji, Goa, 22/09/2017

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Linet Nunes Vs. Goa State Pollution Control Board & Others dated 22/09/2017 regarding consent to operate granted to Linet Nunes Curlies Restaurant, Panaji, Goa. Tribunal directs Linnet Nunes to submit to the Pollution Control Board the NOC/approval from the concerned Panchayat. If such NOC/Approval is granted, the Goa Pollution Control Board shall pass appropriate order taking it to be reconsideration of the impugned order passed by the Board as this was the only ground for revoking the consent order having submission of NOC/Approval.
