Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding grant of Consent to Operate for Shri Mahaveer Stone Industry, Uttar Pradesh, 04/11/2016

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Shri Mahaveer Stone Industry & Others Vs. Central Pollution Control Board & Others 04/11/2016 regarding grant of Consent to Operate for Shri Mahaveer Stone Industry, Uttar Pradesh.

NGT directs that after the Unit has complied with all the recommendations made by the joint inspection team, it will inform the Board. The Joint Inspection Team shall again conduct an inspection and if the Unit is found to be nonpolluting and compliant in all respects. Then its application for grant of consent may be dealt with, in accordance with law. The Unit shall disclose to the joint inspection team the source of their raw-material. What was the source in the past and what is the proposed source, in relation to the quantum and utilization both.
