Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding illegal mining in and around Balaram Ambaji sanctuary, District Banaskantha, Gujarat, 13/03/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding illegal mining in and around Balaram Ambaji sanctuary, District Banaskantha, Gujarat, 13/03/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ashok Shrimali Vs Union of India & Others dated 13/03/2019 regarding illegal mining in and around Balaram Ambaji sanctuary, District Banaskantha, Gujarat. According to the applicant, the mining is illegal as the area is protected and is declared as sanctuary and is also having endangered flora and fauna. No mining is permitted within 1 Km. of protected areas and no clearance has been taken under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
NGT directs a a joint Committee comprising representatives of State Pollution Control Board (State PCB), District Collector, Banaskantha, Deputy Conservator of Forests, Banaskantha and District Mining Officer, Banaskantha to submit a report on the matter.