Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding the municipal solid waste management plant of Bathinda, Punjab, 04/08/2017
Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding the municipal solid waste management plant of Bathinda, Punjab, 04/08/2017
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Capt. Mall Singh & Ors. Vs. State of Punjab & Others dated 04/08/2017 regarding the municipal solid waste management plant of Bathinda. NGT in its Order said that as a result of non-functioning of the plant, it is the public health and environment at large, which is the victim. The plant at Bathinda was pilot project in the State of Punjab and on the basis of which remaining clusters; were to be constructed, but nothing has advanced, even this plant practically come to a halt causing serious public health and environmental degradation in the area of Bathinda.
Taking these things into account NGT passes the following directions:
1. The Project Proponent shall receive 100 to 120 MT/day of municipal solid waste every day at its plant. The waste is to be collected by the Project Proponent itself.
2. The waste so received, shall be processed and there from RDF shall be generated besides the wet waste being used for composting purpose.
3. The plant will operate to its optimum capacity of 120 MT/day without default and without causing any adverse environmental impact.