Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding pollution of Sidhwan canal, Ludhiana, Punjab, 25/11/2022

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Kuldeep Singh Khaira & Others Vs State of Punjab & Others dated 25/11/2022.

The grievance of the applicant is that there is a canal - Sidhwan Canal passing through Ludhiana and that is highly polluted because of the dumping of the plastic bags, polyester clothes waste, other nonbiodegradable material etc. and there is huge encroachment also on its sides but neither Irrigation Department of Punjab nor other responsible authorities have taken any action.

The NGT directed submission of a factual report from a joint committee which will highlight the factual status on waste lying along the banks of canal, extent of encroachments and areas demarcated on both sides of the canal as no activity zone and the action taken by the authorities concerned, if any.