Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding regarding concretization in river Yamuna, Uttar Pradesh, 21/12/2017

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Akash Vashishtha Vs. Union of India & Others dated 21/12/2017 regarding concretization in river Yamuna, Uttar Pradesh. The Applicant Akash Vashishtha contends that the Respondents are doing construction of 4 to 5 feet of concrete wall in the middle of the river taking disadvantage of the permission to carry out the sheet pile work vide order dated 31st May, 2017 and this work will damage the aquatic life of the river.

The State of Uttar Pradesh contends that the concretization work for strengthening the base of sheet piling is being carried out at the left side of the river Yamuna and no work is being carried out in the middle of the river.
