Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding the state of water bodies in Hyderabad, Telangana, 12/09/2018
Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding the state of water bodies in Hyderabad, Telangana, 12/09/2018
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Human Rights & Consumer Protection Cell Trust Vs. The State of Telangana & Others dated 12/09/2018. The case pertains to two major water bodies in Hyderabad, namely, Himayatsagar and Osmansagar where constructions are being undertaken and industries run causing threat to the water bodies. NGT had passed an order dated 15.12.2016 wherein it was informed that Government of Telangana had constituted a High Power Committee consider the various aspects referred to in the Terms of Reference made to the Committee and that the report of the Committee would address all the issues that arise in these cases and, therefore, the case was adjourned awaiting the report of the High Power Committee. But NGT notes "that the Committee has taken inordinately long time to complete this task when serious issues had been raised pertaining to the health and existence of the two major water bodies which are so vital for the environment of the area."
NGT directs the State Respondents as well as the State Pollution Control Board to place before the Court report of the High Power Committee for consideration so that effective orders can be passed for mitigation of the situation.