Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding status of compliance of orders of the NGT on the subject of solid waste management, 02/04/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding status of compliance of orders of the NGT on the subject of solid waste management, 02/04/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Original Application No. 606/2018 Compliance of Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 (State of West Bengal) dated 02/04/2019 regarding status of compliance of orders of the NGT on the subject of solid waste management and allied issues.
Some of the directions given by NGT are the following:
i. Steps for compliance of Rules 22 and 24 of SWM Rules be now taken within six weeks to the extent not yet taken. Similar steps be taken with regard to Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules and Plastic Waste Management Rules.
ii. Atleast three major cities and as many major towns as possible in the State and atleast three Panchayats in every District may be notified on the website within two weeks from today as model cities/towns/villages which will be made fully compliant within next six months.
iii. The remaining cities, towns and Village Panchayats of the State may be made fully compliant in respect of environmental norms within one year. v. The Chief Secretary may personally monitor the progress, atleast once in a month, with all the District Magistrates.
The Tribunal further said that the issue of recovery of damages from the States for their failure to comply with the environmental norms, including the statutory rules and orders of the Tribunal, will be considered later. The Tribunal may also consider the requirement of performance guarantee of a particular amount in case progress achieved is not found to be satisfactory.