Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding stone crusher in Gram Panchayat Bhajpura, district Katni, Madhya Pradesh, 05/08/2020
Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding stone crusher in Gram Panchayat Bhajpura, district Katni, Madhya Pradesh, 05/08/2020
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Rajkumar, Sarpanch, Gram Panchayat Bhajpura No. 2, District Katni & Others Vs State of Madhya Pradesh dated 05/08/2020.
A report was sought from the District Magistrate, Katni and the Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board (MPPCB) with reference to the allegation of illegal operation of a crusher and gitti (small stone) plant by M/s G. N. Minerals (Arif Ahmad), affecting the education of children and health of the inhabitants. The MPPCB filed its report on February 5, 2020 stating that the unit was found in operation at the inspection time and the unit had all the necessary permissions of "Gram Panchayat, DIC registration, Diversion of land and valid Air consent/ renewal of MPPCB."
To control dust pollution, the unit was covered with steel sheets and a boundary wall of iron sheet was constructed around the plant. 32 water spray nozzles were installed to spray water to control fugitive emission. The unit was grinding lime stone and dolomite. Dust was observed in same uncovered part of machineries shed. The Ambient Air Quality monitoring report of January 16, 2020 said that in the east direction, the limit exceeds the permissible limit. While in the other direction these were within limit. Regional office MPPCB Katni had issued a letter in October 2019 for repairing of uncovered and damaged part of sheets and other compliances. The unit authority had agreed to make the necessary arrangements regarding control of air pollution.
The NGT directed that safeguards against the pollution should be adopted and disposed of the case.