Report filed by Meghalaya in the matter of Compliance of Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016, 20/12/2022
Report filed by Meghalaya in the matter of Compliance of Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016, 20/12/2022
Report by the state of Meghalaya in the matter of Compliance of Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 (State of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram and Meghalaya) dated 20/12/2022.
Meghalaya filed the quarterly progress report for solid waste management for the period of July-September, 2022. The quantity of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated is 182.5 TPD; MSW collected is 143 TPD; quantity of segregated and transport MSW is 82.25 TPD; quantity of MSW processed in 45.3 TPD; quantity of MSW disposed in secured landfill site is 59.1 TPD; gap in solid waste management is 78.8 TPD.
With respect to legacy waste management out of 7 dumpsites no dumpsites have been cleared till now and the government has said that the seven dumpsites will be cleared of legacy waste by 2025. The same is the case with the number of dumpsites in which bio mining has commenced.