Report by GNCTD on industries operating in residential and non conforming areas of Delhi, 20/05/2020
Report by GNCTD on industries operating in residential and non conforming areas of Delhi, 20/05/2020
Status report by Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) in the matter of Mayank Manohar & Paras Singh Vs Govt. of NCT of Delhi & Others in Original Application No. 601 of 2018.
The matter related to closure of illegal industries operating in residential and non-conforming areas of Delhi. The Government of NCT of Delhi, directed the three Municipal Corporations to ensure compliance of the provision of Master Plan for Delhi (MPD) 2021 while granting licence/NOC to industrial units under household category in residential and non-conforming areas of Delhi.
The court has been informed that 21960 industrial units have been closed down and there are about 30,000 similar illegal units operating in residential and non conforming areas which needs to be closed down. The Commissioner Industries has stated that there are 33 approved industrial areas and 23 industrial clusters notified for re-development under MPD 2021, wherein all kind of industries except negative and prohibited list of industries are allowed.
Further, MPD 2021 permits household industries to run in residential/non conforming areas and in villages and they are categorized as Group A industries. The household units need to apply for consent from the Delhi Pollution Control Committee. It was also decided that the power distribution companies and Delhi Jal Board would disconnect the supply of household units having connection over and above 11 kw.
The municipal corporations had received 2104 household applications for grant of license and that is pending with Factory Licensing Department of the Municipal Corporations, the report added. The government has requested for more time to recover compensation from illegal units.
Note: The Report of May 20, 2020 was uploaded to the NGT site on July 10, 2020.