Report on waste dumping in village Ganwri on the banks of Kali river, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, 27/08/2020

Status report by Meerut Nagar Nigam in Original Application No. 77 of 2019. The issue for consideration was the remedial action against unscientific dumping of solid waste in village Ganwri on the bank of river Kaali, creating health hazard. It was also alleged that 22 deaths had taken place and 200 people have been taken ill.

The Nagar Nigam, Meerut informed the Tribunal that all legacy waste lying on the site which was fresh in nature, the work of composting in mix waste was done while using bacterial inoculums and green part of all lying legacy waste was converted into compost, due to which coming foul smell from the site was completely stoppped. Legacy waste which was lying in 120 meter bank of the river was collected from JCB and other machines. It has been cleaned and 3500 trees been planted. For cleaning legacy waste air blastic segregator machine has been installed. The capacity of the machine is 15 ton per hour and this machine has been continuously working since month of December, 2019. The machine segregates compost in one side and inert part in another side and RDF at third side. The Nagar Nigam Meerut has used the zero sanitary landfill technique. The entire compost which is produced is used by Nagar Nigam itself. While inert waste after segregating iron, glass, brick and stone are being used by the municipal corporation in construction works.

Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) is used for generating electricity. The Meerut Nagar Nigam has given permission to M/s Bijendra Electrical and Research for one megawatt electricity plant.