Full and final settlement?
Full and final settlement?
By 2002, the formulation and elaboration of national strategies for sustainable development should be completed, and efforts by developing countries to effectively implement national strategies should be supported.
Freshwater : It identifies an urgent need to formulate and implement policies and programmes for integrated watershed management; strengthen regional and international cooperation for technology transfer and the financing of integrated water resources programmes and projects.
Consumption patterns : Concept of eco-efficiency introduced, energy and material efficency targets agreed upon.
Poverty : Priority actions include: improving access to sustainable livelihoods; providing universal access to basic social services; interested donors and recipients should work together to allocate increased shares of Overseas Development Assistance to poverty eradication.
Forests : An ad hoc intergovernmenal forum on forests will be formed which will identify the elements of international arrangements and mechanisms
Energy : Gradual promotion of the cost internalisation, minimising impact on developing countries and encouraging the reduction of subsidies.
Transport : acceleration on phasing out the use of leaded gasoline; promotion of integrated transport policies, and partnerships for strengthening transport infrastructures and developing innovative mass transport schemes.
Means of implementation : Domestic mobilisation of resources as well as Official Development Aid will be used to implement Agenda 21.