Neglected wealth
Crossbreeding programmes have backfired in India. Productivity of crossbreeds has declined, while native breeds are disappearing.
Indigenous livestock breeds may not be as productive as the exotic, but they are resistant to local diseases, adapted to climate and have low food requirements.
Intermixing has produced nondescript or 'mongrel' breeds of cattle, which are of little use to dairy farmers or scientists.
Breeds with a small population, particularly those which are not economically viable, are especially threatened with extinction - although they have invaluable genetic traits.
The government has yet to evolve a policy on animal genetic resources which are being lost as a result of misdirected crossbreeding, indiscriminate breeding and slaughter of animals.
The government has not encouraged research and Indian scientists know little about the genetic makeup of most domestic breeds.
Other countries are patenting genes derived from Indian breeds and India is importing genetic material of its own breeds.