The science of spatial information
The science of spatial information
global warming
Showing changes in sea temperatures and sea-level rise and their effect on fish movement
Determining how much money is donated to the arts versus impoverished areas
rural marketing
Keeping track of rural outlets and plotting the best supply routes to show increasing sales
How does one make sure that phone lines are not clogged? How does one go about decongesting them?
Its effect on the quality of soil
comuter patterns
Where are the heavily travelled traffic corridors? Where would light rail systems work?
Coordinating the movements of troops, among other things
security systems
How to hold mega-events like the Olympics in a crime-free environment
Analysing property assessments on ageing areas to account for the real value of a property
Reconstructing an old castle, or a long-forgotten township, from its ruins
Rushing mobile kitchens, assessing damage due to natural disasters and coordinating flow of goods and services