Solid Waste Management is an integral part of the Environment Management of each city. Due to rapid growth of urban population, as well
as constraint in resources, the management of municipal solid waste poses a difficult and complex problem for the society and its
improper management gravely affects the public health and degrades environment.

By 2025 it is expected that urban population shall
reach 50% of total population and the problem also shall increase further. Analysis across countries reveals that generation of MSW is
positively related to variation in per capital income and with population size. At present in many large cities developed countries less than
70% of MSW are collected and 50% of households are served.

Status of MSW in Puri Municipality In Puri Municipality there exists a mechanised Bio-compost plant for treatment of garbage generated of capacity 100 TPD installed by M/s Excel Industries Ltd., Bombay and other details related to MSW is given below :-

Population (2001) - 1,57,776

Floating population

Daily Average - 30,000 to 40,000

During Car Festival - 7 to 8 lakh

Slum pockets - 32

No. of Wards - 30

No. of employees - 890

Waste generation kg/capita/day - 0.3 to 0.5

Garbage generated / day - 79 M.T

Garbage collected / day - 50 M.T.

Public Toilets - 13 nos.

Sweepers - 484

Janadars - 24

Sanitary Inspectors - 6

Health Officer - 1

Road Paved - 150 km

Kutcha - 185 km.

Length of drain - 118 km.

Equipment - Short and long handle broom, wheel barrow, auto trolley, tractor, mini
