Meeting the needs of today...
economic needs: access to adequate livelihood; economic security when unemployed, ill, disabled or otherwise unable to secure a livelihood.

social, cultural and health needs: a shelter which is healthy, safe, affordable and secure, within a neighbourhood with provision for piped water, sanitation, drainage, transport, health care, education and child development; home, workplace and living environment protected from environmental hazards, including chemical pollution.

needs related to people's choice and control: homes and neighbourhoods which people value and where their social and cultural priorities are met with; shelters and services must meet the needs of children and adults responsible for child-rearing (usually women); achieving this implies a more equitable distribution of income between and within nations.

political needs: freedom to participate in national and local politics and in decisions regarding management and development of one's home and neighbourhood within a broader framework which ensures respect for civil and political rights and the implementation of environmental legislation.

...without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
• Minimising the use or waste of non-renewable resources like fossil fuels, mineral resources and cultural, historical and natural assets within cities (parks, landscapes etc); substituting with renewable resources wherever feasible

• Sustainable use of renewable resources like freshwater and land (for agriculture, wood-products and biomass fuels)

• Limiting the generation of urban wastes within the absorptive capacity of renewable and non-renewable sinks