Thai zoo to show panda pornography to spark romance between pandas
Thai zoo to show panda pornography to spark romance between pandas
A Thai zoo has announced its unique plan to show "panda pornography' to spark romance between its two giant pandas: Chuang Chuang (a six-year-old male) and Lin Hui (a five-year-old female). The pandas have been living in Thailand's Chiang Mai Zoo for the past four years. Zoo officials had expected that the country's warm climate would trigger their hormones and instigate their desire to mate. But the animals, on loan from China for ten years, are yet to start a family.
Experts say the solitary nature of wild pandas leaves them unsure of themselves with the opposite sex. Besides, they breed only during a few days of the year and a suitable male and female must be paired up at the particular period. As a result, captive panda breeding has been historically difficult.