"The wealth of the state should remain within the state"

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There are allegations that drought relief has not reached many villages. Why is it so?
The work is progressing at a slow pace and there is large-scale migration from the villages. But one has to understand that the state was born only on November 1. We have not been able to formulate any long-term plans. We have asked the Centre for Rs 600 crore, without which it is difficult to fight the drought. So far, we haven't received a paise.

What measures do you plan to undertake?
I have announced the Rs 600-crore Indira Gaon Ganga Yojna that will ensure that every village will get a nistar (community) pond for drinking water.

Your government has welcomed indus-tries. How are you going to ensure that the environment is taken care of?
Sustainable development is the key. We are conscious of the ecological and environmental needs. At the same time, we cannot keep the tribal people out of mainstream development. There has to be a lot of growth in the industrial sector, but it has to be sustainable.

What should be the basis of economic regeneration for forest-dependent people?
Proper management of minor forest produce (MFP) is important. I want to ensure a minimum support price for MFP. I don't want tribal communities to be showpieces. They will derive benefits from the development projects.

Mining in forest areas is slowly becoming a contentious issue in Chattisgarh. What sort of growth should be there in this sector?
Benefits must go to the local people. The state's wealth should remain within the state. Whoever invests in this sector will have to plough back the profit. Local people have to be employed and there should be no foreign companies involved.

Illegal felling has been reported in Bastar district. How do you plan to save the forests?
There is a Supreme Court ban on felling. Once the ban is revoked, we will work out a plan.