The Common Principles for Climate Mitigation Finance Tracking consist of a set of definitions and guidelines and a list of eligible activities that allow for consistent accounting and reporting of financial flows for climate change mitigation finance.

This series of technical briefs aims to provide a solid knowledge base for building or strengthening stakeholder capacities on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) and applying CSA practices to five crops that are critical to the global agri-food sector: coffee, cowpea, maize, rice and wheat.

Multi-Level Governance (MLG) is an essential ingredient for modern, comprehensive policy- making applicable at any level, from local up to EU policies (and, of course, even beyond Europe).

Multi-Level Governance (MLG) is an essential ingredient for modern, comprehensive policy- making applicable at any level, from local up to EU policies (and, of course, even beyond Europe).

Net soil carbon sequestration on agricultural lands could offset 4% of annual global human-induced GHG emissions over the rest of the century and make an important contribution to meeting the targets of the Paris Agreement.
