This document has been prepared to assist Indian cities in preparing a Climate Action Plan. It provides step-by-step guidance and examples of measures relevant for local authorities in India context. Despite being framed and definite, the process of developing a CAP allows flexibility.

Despite years of donor country engagement, developing countries’ efforts to fight climate change and its consequences remain stifled by important capacity gaps. This paper reviews the experience of development co-operation partners in strengthening capacities in this area.

Order of the High Court of Delhi in the matter of Rohit Madan Vs Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change & Others dated 20/04/2022.

The Working Group III report provides an updated global assessment of climate change mitigation progress and pledges, and examines the sources of global emissions. It explains developments in emission reduction and mitigation efforts, assessing the impact of national climate pledges in relation to long-term emissions goals.

The Mumbai Climate Action Plan (MCAP) has laid down a 30-year roadmap for the city to tackle the challenges of climate change by adopting inclusive and robust mitigation and adaptation strategies. The action plan has set short-, medium- and long-term climate goals aimed towards zero emission of greenhouse gas or a net-zero target for 2050.
