The Mumbai Climate Action Plan (MCAP) has laid down a 30-year roadmap for the city to tackle the challenges of climate change by adopting inclusive and robust mitigation and adaptation strategies. The action plan has set short-, medium- and long-term climate goals aimed towards zero emission of greenhouse gas or a net-zero target for 2050.

The Maharashtra government announced its new electric vehicle policy that aims to achieve a 10 per cent share for EVs in the overall new vehicle registrations by 2025. As per the new policy, all the electric vehicles (EVs) sold in Maharashtra will be exempted from paying road tax till the duration of the policy.

This Ordinance may be called the Maharashtra Village Panchayats (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020. This Ordinance further to amend the Maharashtra Village Panchayats Act.

The Economic Survey of Maharashtra 2018-19 has predicted a bleak scenario for the agricultural and industrial sectors, which are the two pillars of the economy, in the state. While the agriculture sector is expected to see an eight per cent drop in crop production, the industries sector too will see a fall of 0.7 per cent.

Maharashtra’s industrial policy targets Rs 10 lakh crore investment, 40 lakh jobs. The government also introduced a special component for the development of Maoist and tribal belts of Nandurbar, Washim and Gadchiroli under the industrial cluster development project.

In its latest draft of Maharashtra Groundwater (Development and Management) Rules 2018, the government has made a provision that will require farmers in notified groundwater-stressed areas to seek permission before sowing "water-intensive crop".

The Economic Survey of Maharashtra is a concerted endeavor of Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Planning Department, which is prepared every year and the same is presented in the Budget Session before the State Legislature. The present publication for the year 2017-18 is the 57th issue in the series.

The Economic Survey of Maharashtra is a concerted endeavor of Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Planning Department, which is prepared every year and the same is presented in the Budget Session before the State Legislature. The present publication for the year 2016-17 is the 56th issue in the series.

Keeping the global as well as local developments in perspective, the Government of Maharashtra understands the importance of the Tourism Sector and the opportunity it presents. The state has identified Tourism as a priority sector.

‘Economic Survey of Maharashtra’ is prepared by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Planning Department every year for presentation in the Budget Session of the State Legislature. The present publication for the year 2015-16 is the 55th issue in the series.
