Breakthrough Deadlines

1998: Substitute for ozone-damaging CFCs

1999: Large volume, coherent optical communication systems

2000: Silicon memory with 1 nanosecond access time

2001: Economical way to remove useable products from urban waste

2002: 1 giga-bit memory chips

2003: Technology to prevent NOx emissions; widespread use of biodegradable packaging materials; vaccine for AIDS

2004: Ultra high-speed computers

2006: Cure for AIDS; prediction of volcanic eruptions 2-3 days in advance

2007: Method to prevent cancer metastasis

2008: Methods to limit CO2 emissions

2009: Elucidation of cancer-related genes and carcinogenesis

2010: Understanding mechanisms for almost all types of cancer; ability to predict earthquakes of 7 or higher intensity several days in advance; nursing robots

2013: Drugs to prevent cancer

2015: Cure for Alzheimer's disease

2017: Fast breeder reactors

After 2020: Fusion reactors

Source: Science