Curtains for Chernobyl
Curtains for Chernobyl

IT MAY finally be curtains for Ukrain notorious Chernobyl nuclear PCN station. Ukrainian President Lea Kuchma told a European Commun (EC) delegation in mid-April that country would shut down 2 nuc reactors still functioning at the by AD 2000. EC officials are elated this development. "This is the first that the Ukrainian authorities clearly announced a date for the and full closure of the Chernobyl SO said French environment minister Michel Barnier.
The decision has broken a stale mate that has been existing between Ukraine and Western nations foriong.Then however, a cal Ukrainian Western office admit that th6 agreement to shut d the plant w s contingent on offe Istern aid than have I made so far Ukraine has set its on a gas-fired plant to replace Chernobyl plant Chernobyl's dive Sergei Parashin, says Ukraine will propose solitting the cost of the new plant among Ukraine and 18 countries, with each side providing about US $200 million.