Daft release?
Daft release?

the Union ministry of environment and forests (moef) has released a draft environment policy called the National Environment Policy 2004 (nep). Its preamble states that there is a need for a comprehensive policy statement "in order to infuse common approach to the various sectoral, cross-sectoral, including fiscal, approaches to environmental management.'
Currently, the country has different policies to guide different sectors: the National Forest Policy 1988; the National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on Environment and Development 1992; Policy Statement on Abatement of Pollution 1992; the National Water Policy 2002. nep would serve as the basis for "reviewing objectives, instruments and strategies' embodied in other policies and laws pertaining to the environment. The preamble further states that nep is "intended to be a guide to action'.
It is ironic that a country which instituted its first environmental legislation way back in 1974