Damned dams

A RLCENT World Bank report says that 25 dams in India out of the 947 surveyed in Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu were found unsafe. They were constructed using data vastly underestimating peak flood flows. Postreview estimates of peak flood values are much higher than the earlier data. The report is a sequel to a World Bank-sponsored project to improve the safety of dams in India.

The Hirakud dam in Orissa has been designed to withstand only 42,474 cusecs of floodwater against a new estimate of 78,220 cusecs. The Gandhi Sagar dam in Madhya Pradesh is similarly faulty.

Monsoon floods last year gouged a 24.38 rn deep hole in the concrete and rock foundation of the of the half constructed controversial Sardar Narmada river, and wash, cubic metre of cement. The World Bank has suggested upgrading flood handling systems and expanding the spill-ways of the dam.