General Motors workers lose job security
General Motors workers lose job security

a strike by 73,000 workers against the largest automobile company in the us was called off 48 hours after the workers had begun picketing. The first nationwide strike in 37 years against General Motors (gm) ended with with a workers' union reaching a deal with the autocompany.
The strike was called by the United Auto Workers (uaw) union over healthcare benefits and job security. The union called off the strike on September 26, claiming victory. Ron Gettelfinger, uaw president, said the deal will "keep jobs from being reduced'. But Rick Wagoner, gm chief executive, said that the company had come one up in the affair. He contended the deal will "help gm plug the fundamental competitive gaps in our business'.
In face of steady financial loss, the company is undergoing massive restructuring and has been clamping down on labour. As per the