Greening measures

World Bank, which has for years been accused of being anti-environment be green groups across the planet, Ift now come up with a report to See its green credentials. The Bank provided us $10 billions in loans to earvironmental projects in 62 countries shace the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, W the report. The projects focus not &on pollution management but also gaaie water treatment, support for new technologies and building capacity for environnmental management.

And this is not all. It is now actively Jilsing build a global framework for actiment-friendl y investment. The giving a green touch to its billion loan portfolio that will Leacla over the next 10-15 years, by beducing new environmental plan g and management standards. The 6 is on the developing world, where :n change" is occurring, says Andrew streer, director of the Bank's environmental department.