Hi tech exchange
Hi tech exchange
AS COMPANIES move towards corporate profitability through technological advancements, Indian industries have come up with the Technology Platform -- a forum for the interaction of Indian and international research and development organisations, industries, and institutes involved in applied industrial research. The platform assumes importance in global markets as a forum to commercialise processes and products, as well as a marketplace for patented or patentable technologies.
According to Praveer Das of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), which conceived the idea, "The objective of the platform is to provide an international forum for organisations engaged in scientific research, technology broking firms and service firms engaged in research and technology to meet industries from all over the world so that they can commercialise their processes and products." CII, which has 3,000 members whose total capital investment is more than $35 billion, has become the nodal agency for the exchange of technological and commercial knowhow.
Says a CII spokesperson, "The scope of the Technology Platform is diverse. On the one hand, institutions involved in applied research get a chance to market their knowhow as well as upgrade the practicability of their processes and products. On the other, companies get to know about better technological options."
Sunil Sehgal, the president of the Delhi Manufacturers' Association agrees. "The platform is opening new vistas for people in India. Indian firms can imbibe the proactive approach of foreign institutions and also share what they have learnt over the years. Besides, till now Indian manufacturers had to accept whatever was available, but now they can choose the most viable option through the Technology Platform."
A senior member of the Federation of the Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry opines: "In a gatt-ruled global market, this is a positive move. Something like this was needed. Otherwise Indian industry would have drowned. It now has proper access to patented products and processes, along with an opportunity to identify what is patentable." The Technology Platform can also be very helpful in reaching out to those involved in international R&D transfer, bilateral and multilateral development, as well as those universities and academic institutes which can provide knowhow and research facilities. CII officials say that the platform has the potential of developing into the ideal meeting point for the public and the private sector in the country and can create a climate where they contribute to each other's growth.