Homage to the seafarer

Before Jacques-Yves Cousteau churned the depths of the ocean, people saw only its surface. It is only his endeavour that made millions of people aware of the vast treasure trove and home to several lifeforms, that covers three-fourths of the surface of the earth.

Veteran oceanographer Cousteau who revealed the secrets of the seas to the world in his breathtaking prize-winning films and fought to protect the environment, died in Paris on June 26, at the age of 87. French President Jacques Chirac mourned Cousteau as an "enchanter', lauding him as best known for his pioneering films ranging from the Antarctic ice shelf to the blue lagoons of Coral Atolls.

In a condolence message, the environmental group Greenpeace International said, "Jacques-Yves Cousteau helped us to grasp the importance of protecting the ocean