How the NBA wants to discuss the SSP
How the NBA wants to discuss the SSP
The Narmada Bachao Andolan, which wants a revaluation of the Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP), says the review team should consist of pro-dam and anti-dam groups. The Prime Minister or the minister for water resources should lead the pro-dam group, which should include officials from the states concerned with the project and the Union government. The Andolan will lead the other group consisting of experts, villagers affected by SSP and activists.
The team should also have a secretary-rank representative from the ministries of water resources, environment, social welfare and finance; members from the Planning Commission, the ministry of Narmada development in Gujarat, the Narmada Valley Development Authority in Madhya Pradesh, the Narmada division of the department of irrigation in Maharashtra, and a representative from the Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Ltd.
The review should be monitored by at least two neutral moderators -- people of high repute acceptable to both sides -- who will be the final judge in cases of differences or violations of rules and procedures formulated during the review.
The review should be completed in three months and publicised via the mass media to establish the accountability of those involved in it.