The population of the lesser fish-eagle (Ichthyophaga humilis) in the Corbett National Park is depleting due to DDT contamination. There have been reports of breaking of eggs due to eggshell thinning and those hatched died within a week, according to a recent study by the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS). A BNHS spokes-person said that among the contamination ratio, DDT consti-tuted 36 per cent besides other chemicals.
The Maharashtra government has prepared a detailed plan to permanently solve water crisis in the state by AD 2000. The problem of water shortage have been persistent in 10,715 villages in the state. The minister of state for water supply and sewerage said in a recent session of the state legislative council that collectors in the districts have been empowered to implement the plan.
Effluents discharged from two liquor manufacturing units on the outskirts of Barwaha town in Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh is wreaking havoc on the eco-system of the river Narmada. A large number of fish have been found dead in a more than 10-m long stretch of the Narmada off Barwaha upto the towns of Mandleshwar and Maheshwar owing to the discharge of toxic pollutants.
A Rs 1.4-crore action plan to protect the endangered biodiversity of the Panchmari hills has been launched by the Madhya Pradesh forest and environment department. The plan aims at preserving the 1,581 sq km area that includes the Satpura National Park, Bori Nature Park